Convert anything using CUT-VIDEO

The API for converting any file using CUT-VIDEO.

Here you can see all available conversion options which you can use within the "options" section of conversions (see the example JSON below the table).

Here you can see all available conversion options which you can use within the "options" section of conversions (see the example JSON on the right).

Option Name Description
Type: boolean
Default: False
If the conversion produces more than one output file, by default all of them are compressed in just one file. Set this option to true if you want a download link for each file.
Type: integer
Minimum: 2
Maximum: 400
Type: array
Additionalproperties: False
Start: string ^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d[.]\d\d\d$ Defines the start time of the video segment to keep. The format is HH:MM:SS.MS, where HH = hours, MM = minutes, SS = seconds, and MS = milliseconds. Example 00:02:23.005.
End: string ^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d[.]\d\d\d$ Defines the start time of the video segment to keep. The format is HH:MM:SS.MS, where HH = hours, MM = minutes, SS = seconds, and MS = milliseconds. Example 00:02:23.005.
An alternative to the length and number_of_parts options. Holds an array of precise cut points.
Type: string
Pattern: ^[ -~]{0,1000}$
Example: secret_password
A password to protect the download. To download the file send the password in the x-oc-download-password header or set a cookie named x-oc-download-password. The value contains a comma separated list of passwords.
Type: string
Pattern: ^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d[.]\d\d\d$
Defines the ending point of the video segment to be divided when using the length or number_of_parts options. The format is HH:MM:SS.MS, where HH = hours, MM = minutes, SS = seconds, and MS = milliseconds. Example 00:02:23.005.
Type: integer
Minimum: True
Maximum: 14400
An alternative to the cut_points and number_of_parts options. Splits the video into segments of <length> seconds.
Type: integer
Minimum: 2
Maximum: 480
An alternative to the cut_points and length options. Splits the video into a specified number of equal-length parts.
Type: string
Pattern: ^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d[.]\d\d\d$
Defines the starting point of the video segment to be divided when using the length or number_of_parts options. The format is HH:MM:SS.MS, where HH = hours, MM = minutes, SS = seconds, and MS = milliseconds. Example 00:02:23.005.
Type: string
Enum: copy avi mkv mov mp4
Specifies the output video format. If omitted or set to "copy", the output format will match the input format.

Output Example

POST /v2/jobs HTTP/1.1
X-Oc-Api-Key: <your API key here>
Content-Type: application/json
    "input": [{
        "type": "remote",
        "source": ""
    "conversion": [{
        "category": "operation",
        "target": "cut-video",
        "options": {
            <conversion options here>