Convert anything to DOCX

The API for converting any file to DOCX.

Here you can see all available conversion options which you can use within the "options" section of conversions (see the example JSON below the table).

Here you can see all available conversion options which you can use within the "options" section of conversions (see the example JSON on the right).

Option Name Description
Type: boolean
Default: False
If the conversion produces more than one output file, by default all of them are compressed in just one file. Set this option to true if you want a download link for each file.
Type: integer
Minimum: 2
Maximum: 400
Sets the threshold for the number of output files during conversion. This option is considered only when `allow_multiple_outputs` is set to true. If the generated output files exceed this threshold, they are compressed into one file. Conversely, if the threshold is not met, each output file remains uncompressed.
Type: string
Pattern: ^[ -~]{0,1000}$
Example: secret_password
A password to protect the download. To download the file send the password in the x-oc-download-password header or set a cookie named x-oc-download-password. The value contains a comma separated list of passwords.
Type: string
Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z_,-]{3,128}$
Example: rus,eng,deu
Language for the source (using ISO 639-2/T standard). In case of multi language documents, a comma separated list of values without quotes or spaces can be used. Please note that both plain and script languages cannot be included at the same time. Supported values are: afr, amh, ara, asm, aze, aze_cyrl, bel, ben, bod, bos, bre, bul, cat, ceb, ces, chi_sim, chi_sim_vert, chi_tra, chi_tra_vert, chr, cos, cym, dan, deu, div, dzo, ell, eng, enm, epo, est, eus, fao, fas, fil, fin, fra, frk, frm, fry, gla, gle, glg, grc, guj, hat, heb, hin, hrv, hun, hye, iku, ind, isl, ita, ita_old, jav, jpn, jpn_vert, kan, kat, kat_old, kaz, khm, kir, kmr, kor, kor_vert, lao, lat, lav, lit, ltz, mal, mar, mkd, mlt, mon, mri, msa, mya, nep, nld, nor, oci, ori, pan, pol, por, pus, que, ron, rus, san, sin, slk, slv, snd, spa, spa_old, sqi, srp, srp_latn, sun, swa, swe, syr, tam, tat, tel, tgk, tha, tir, ton, tur, uig, ukr, urd, uzb, uzb_cyrl, vie, yid, yor, script-Arabic, script-Armenian, script-Bengali, script-Canadian_Aboriginal, script-Cherokee, script-Cyrillic, script-Devanagari, script-Ethiopic, script-Fraktur, script-Georgian, script-Greek, script-Gujarati, script-Gurmukhi, script-Hangul, script-Hangul_vert, script-HanS, script-HanS_vert, script-HanT, script-HanT_vert, script-Hebrew, script-Japanese, script-Japanese_vert, script-Kannada, script-Khmer, script-Lao, script-Latin, script-Malayalam, script-Myanmar, script-Oriya, script-Sinhala, script-Syriac, script-Tamil, script-Telugu, script-Thaana, script-Thai, script-Tibetan, script-Vietnamese
Type: string
Enum: ar-AR ca-ES zh-CN cs-CZ de-DE el-GR en-IN en-US es-ES fa-IR fr-FR hi-IN it-IT ja-JP kk-KZ nl-NL pl-PL pt-FB sv-SE ru-RU tl-PH tr-TR uk-UA vi-VN
Language of the audio source
Type: boolean
Optical character recognition
Type: string
Enum: gray
Apply a filter to the input file. It may improve text detection.
Object containing specific filter options.
Type: string
Enum: text layout
Default: layout
Optical character recognition optimization for text correctness or layout as close as possible to the original one
Type: string
Pattern: ^[\w\W]{0,255}$
Example: my_base_filename_without_extension
The desired file name of the converted file WITHOUT the file extension.
Type: string
Pattern: ^[\w\W]{1,255}$
Predefined options
Type: boolean
Pre process the input files (PDF only) and convert them to a raster image before OCR processing. It can help to achieve better results with PDF files containing a mix of texts and images containing text.

Output Example

POST /v2/jobs HTTP/1.1
X-Oc-Api-Key: <your API key here>
Content-Type: application/json
    "input": [{
        "type": "remote",
        "source": ""
    "conversion": [{
        "category": "document",
        "target": "docx",
        "options": {
            <conversion options here>