Here you can see all available conversion options which you can use within the "options" section of conversions (see the example JSON below the table).
Here you can see all available conversion options which you can use within the "options" section of conversions (see the example JSON on the right).
Option Name | Description |
Type: boolean |
Allows copying of the document |
Type: boolean |
Allows modification of the document |
Type: boolean Default: False |
If the conversion produces more than one output file, by default all of them are compressed in just one file. Set this option to true if you want a download link for each file. |
Type: integer Minimum: 2 Maximum: 400 |
Sets the threshold for the number of output files during conversion. This option is considered only when `allow_multiple_outputs` is set to true. If the generated output files exceed this threshold, they are compressed into one file. Conversely, if the threshold is not met, each output file remains uncompressed. |
Type: boolean |
Allows printing of the document |
Type: string Enum: rgb cmyk gray |
The color schema |
Type: string Enum: basic strong |
Selects the compression level of the converted file |
Type: string |
The height of the pages. The unit has to be specified in the custom_page_size_unit field. For best precision if using inchs, please use 4 decimal digits. |
Type: string Enum: mm in |
The unit of measurement of the pages. |
Type: string |
The width of the pages. The unit has to be specified in the custom_page_size_unit field. For best precision if using inchs, please use 4 decimal digits. |
Type: boolean |
Deskew a PDF created with a scanner not correctly aligned with the original document |
Type: string Pattern: ^[ -~]{0,1000}$ Example: secret_password |
A password to protect the download. To download the file send the password in the x-oc-download-password header or set a cookie named x-oc-download-password. The value contains a comma separated list of passwords. |
Type: integer Minimum: 10 Maximum: 1200 |
Horizontal and vertical density of images inside the document (referred to as DPI) |
Type: integer Minimum: True Maximum: 1048576 |
Limit the target size of the file you want to convert to PDF to this size in Kbytes (KiB). We try to do our best to achieve this limit as close as possible. |
Type: array Additionalproperties: False Filter_name: string Remove_images: Remove_text: Remove_vectors: The name of the filter to apply. |
Type: boolean |
Grayscale all images inside the PDF |
Type: integer Minimum: 10 Maximum: 100 |
The quality of the embedded images (range from 10 to 100). 100 is the highest quality. |
Type: string Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z_,-]{3,128}$ Example: rus,eng,deu |
Language for the source (using ISO 639-2/T standard). In case of multi language documents, a comma separated list of values without quotes or spaces can be used. Please note that both plain and script languages cannot be included at the same time. Supported values are: afr, amh, ara, asm, aze, aze_cyrl, bel, ben, bod, bos, bre, bul, cat, ceb, ces, chi_sim, chi_sim_vert, chi_tra, chi_tra_vert, chr, cos, cym, dan, deu, div, dzo, ell, eng, enm, epo, est, eus, fao, fas, fil, fin, fra, frk, frm, fry, gla, gle, glg, grc, guj, hat, heb, hin, hrv, hun, hye, iku, ind, isl, ita, ita_old, jav, jpn, jpn_vert, kan, kat, kat_old, kaz, khm, kir, kmr, kor, kor_vert, lao, lat, lav, lit, ltz, mal, mar, mkd, mlt, mon, mri, msa, mya, nep, nld, nor, oci, ori, pan, pol, por, pus, que, ron, rus, san, sin, slk, slv, snd, spa, spa_old, sqi, srp, srp_latn, sun, swa, swe, syr, tam, tat, tel, tgk, tha, tir, ton, tur, uig, ukr, urd, uzb, uzb_cyrl, vie, yid, yor, script-Arabic, script-Armenian, script-Bengali, script-Canadian_Aboriginal, script-Cherokee, script-Cyrillic, script-Devanagari, script-Ethiopic, script-Fraktur, script-Georgian, script-Greek, script-Gujarati, script-Gurmukhi, script-Hangul, script-Hangul_vert, script-HanS, script-HanS_vert, script-HanT, script-HanT_vert, script-Hebrew, script-Japanese, script-Japanese_vert, script-Kannada, script-Khmer, script-Lao, script-Latin, script-Malayalam, script-Myanmar, script-Oriya, script-Sinhala, script-Syriac, script-Tamil, script-Telugu, script-Thaana, script-Thai, script-Tibetan, script-Vietnamese |
Type: string Enum: ar-AR ca-ES zh-CN cs-CZ de-DE el-GR en-IN en-US es-ES fa-IR fr-FR hi-IN it-IT ja-JP kk-KZ nl-NL pl-PL pt-FB sv-SE ru-RU tl-PH tr-TR uk-UA vi-VN |
Language of the audio source |
Type: boolean Default: False |
Optimizes the converted file for web visualization |
Type: boolean |
Merges the input files in one output file using the same order as the files appear in the input section of the message. |
Type: string Pattern: ^[\w\W]{0,64}$ |
Adds or changes the owner's password (up to 64 characters) |
Type: string Pattern: ^[\w\W]{0,64}$ |
Adds or changes the user's password (up to 64 characters) |
Type: boolean |
Optical character recognition |
Type: string Enum: gray |
Apply a filter to the input file. It may improve text detection. |
Object containing specific filter options. |
Type: string Enum: auto single_column uniform_block_vertical uniform_text single_line single_word single_char unstructured raw_line |
Page structure description to the OCR engine. It may help to have a better result. If your first attempt with automatic page structure detection fails or if you know in advance the structure of your pages, you can try with a more specific one. |
Type: boolean |
If set, the original document is split in more PDF files, one per page |
Type: string Pattern: ^[\w\W]{0,255}$ Example: my_base_filename_without_extension |
The desired file name of the converted file WITHOUT the file extension. |
Type: string Enum: a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a4small a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 isob0 isob1 isob2 isob3 isob4 isob5 isob6 c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 11x17 ledger legal letter lettersmall archA archB archC archD archE jisb0 jisb1 jisb2 jisb3 jisb4 jisb5 jisb6 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 flsa flse halfletter hagaki |
The size of the pages |
Type: object |
Type: string Pattern: ^[\w\W]{1,255}$ |
Predefined options |
Type: string Enum: screen ebook default printer prepress minimum insane |
Optimizes the output for a specific target which will produce different output file sizes. It may override other quality options. |
Type: integer Minimum: 10 Maximum: 1200 |
The resulting document will contain images of the pages that have non-selectable text only. They will have the specified DPI value. |
Type: string Pattern: ^(((\d+|first)-?(\d*|last))|(first)|(last)|(even)|(odd))(, ?(((\d+|first)-?(\d*|last))|(first)|(last)|(even)|(odd)))*$ |
The page numbers that should be present in the converted file, in the desired order. This is also used to delete pages or extract a set of pages. |
Type: array Additionalproperties: False Pages: string ^(((\d+|first)-?(\d*|last))|(first)|(last)|(even)|(odd))(, ?(((\d+|first)-?(\d*|last))|(first)|(last)|(even)|(odd)))*$ The page numbers to be rotated. E.g. 5-8 or 5- or 5. It also accepts "first" and "last" aliases. 1-last 1 Angle: integer The angle by which to rotate the pages 0: 90: 180: 270: 0 1 |
Type: string Pattern: ^((\d+-?\d*)(, ?(\d+-?\d*))*|all)$ |
The pages where to split the original file. E.g. in a 30 pages document, an entry of 10,20 will results in three output files with pages 1-10, 11-20, 21-30. It also accepts "all" to split all pages into separate files. |
Type: integer Minimum: 2 Maximum: 50 |
Split all the PDF pages in the specified number of parts along the horizontal axis. E.g. from one A4 landscape page to two A5 portrait pages. |
Type: integer Minimum: 2 Maximum: 50 |
Split all the PDF pages in the specified number of parts along the vertical axis. E.g. from one A4 portrait page to two A5 landscape pages. |
Type: boolean |
Insert the first page of the second input as a stamp into each page of the first input. |
Type: string Enum: 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.0 |
Selects the PDF version of the converted file |
Type: boolean |
Insert the first page of the second input as a watermark into each page of the first input. |
POST /v2/jobs HTTP/1.1
X-Oc-Api-Key: <your API key here>
Content-Type: application/json
"input": [{
"type": "remote",
"source": ""
"conversion": [{
"category": "document",
"target": "pdf",
"options": {
<conversion options here>